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By default ƒx =FXLDataV() returns a vertical dataset, one series per column with time spanning the rows. The dimension at observation cannot be changed, the REST argument, if set is ignored.

Use Case
This parameterised form is suitable for hand coding in a spreadsheet. Like all Excel functions, the arguments can be literal values, cell references or Excel expressions allowing the creation of complex data models. In its simplest form, only three arguments are required:

  • The 'base URL' of the Fusion Registry to connect to
  • The ID of the Dataflow
  • A series key specifying which series to retrieve, or simply 'all' to retrieve all series

By default, the number of series returned is capped at 100, but can be altered using the MaxSeries argument

=FXLDataV( RegUrl , Dataflow , Expression , [MaxSeries] , [RestArguments] , [StartPeriod] , [EndPeriod] , [Labels] , [IncludeHeader] , [IncludeSeriesKey] , [IncludeBreakdown] , [IncludeAttributes] )

Argument Description Examples Required?
1 RegUrl The base URL of the Fusion Registry service https://demo.metadatatechnology.com/FusionRegistry Mandatory
2 Dataflow Options:
1. The dataflow to query conforming to the SDMX REST specification for data queries
2. A blank string - in this case the Dataflow(s) to query must be specified as part of the Expression.
3 Expression Options:
1. A series key
2. A dataflow and series key expression <dataflow>/<series key>
3. A JSON series basket expression which must be a cell reference and cannot be a literal value
4. The keyword 'all' to select all series in the dataset
C4 (cell reference)
4 MaxSeries The maximum number of series to return 1000 Optional
Defaults to 100 series
5 RestArguments Additional data REST query arguments intended for special use cases like adding calculated measures or changing the dimension at observation round=3&calculatemeasure=THE_MEASURE;pch;mvavg,3&dimensionAtObservation=CURRENCY_DENOM Optional
6 StartPeriod The start period in SDMX standard time format 2010-06-12
Defaults to the start of the available data
7 EndPeriod The end period in SDMX standard time format 2010-06-12
Defaults to the end of the available data
8 Labels Component labels
id - IDs only
both - both IDs and names
both Optional
Defaults to id
9 IncludeHeader Boolean
TRUE shows resultset metrics (e.g. 108/1256 series 2.15 seconds)
FALSE metrics are omitted
FALSE Optional
Defaults to TRUE
10 IncludeSeriesKey Ignored Optional
11 IncludeBreakdown Ignored Optional
12 IncludeAttributes Boolean
TRUE includes series attributes if labels=both
FALSE excludes attributes
FALSE Optional
Defaults to TRUE