Audit Web Services

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Revision as of 01:02, 17 February 2022 by Mnelson (talk | contribs) (Audited System Events)
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Fusion Registry 11 provides 2 main audit functions

  1. Audit of structure events, including data registrations
  2. System audits, example Fusion Portal events

Audited Structure Events

Search Transaction

Search structure transactions

Entry Point /ws/registry/tx/searchTransactions
Access Restricted to Audit Manager, Structure Manager, Portal Manager
Http Method GET
Query Parameters
Parameter Required Description
dateFrom no transaction date from in SDMX date format
dateTo no transaction date to in SDMX date format
max no the maximum number of results
user no Username of user which initiated the transaction
orderDesc no Order results in date descending order


A JSON array of audited transactions

     "Date": 1645027254245,
     "Id": 53,
     "User": "root",
     "Action": "Replace",
     "Type": "Structure Submission"

Audit Details for Transaction

Return the audit details for a transaction. The transaction ID can be obtained from the RSS feed, or from the results of the searchTransactions API

Entry Point /ws/secure/audit/getDetailsByTransactionId
Access Restricted to Audit Manager, Structure Manager, Portal Manager
Http Method GET
Query Parameters
Parameter Required Description
id yes Transaction Id


A JSON response in the following format:

   "UID": "6d6ef80c-d19f-4506-94cb-05e53ebd06e1",
   "TxId": 1,
   "Type": "Structure Submission",
   "ServerName": "localhost",
   "VMID": "g6ee3edeb60c835d:55ba23af:19df811c3be:-8000",
   "MachineId": "DESKTOP-E6MP45C/",
   "ServerContext": "/FusionRegistry",
   "ServletPath": "/ws/registry",
   "ServerPort": 8080,
   "PathInfo": "/json/save",
   "Parameters": "",
   "Protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
   "AcceptHeaders": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
   "AcceptLanguage": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
   "SubmissionMethod": "POST",
   "HttpResponseStatus": 200,
   "RequestTime": 1644827120293,
   "Duration": 385,
   "Username": "root",
   "RequestIP": "0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1",
   "ProductVersion": "",
   "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.82 Safari/537.36",
   "BrowserName": "Chrome",
   "BrowserVersion": "98",
   "OS": "Windows 10"

Audited System Events


Audited system events are categorised by the process id (which process initiated the event) and the event type for that process. For example a process id of STRUCTURE may have a sub-event of SAVE to declare it is a save request, or AFTER_COMMIT to declare it is a process which is initiated after a save event.

A single event (for example a Portal Sync) is likely to consist of a chain of audited events, where one process and event pair PORTAL.MANUAL_SYNC and likely to call other services which capture their own audits, such as SEND_API_REQUEST.GET which captures the information about the HTTP Get Request from a web service. This chaining of events enables users to search for specific events (find all audits which call a web service) or search for a chain of events (find a PORTAL.MANUAL_SYNC and include all children). If an event is found in a chain, for example a specific web service call event, it is possible to request the parent event that led to that call, or all the ancestors - or for the full chain, the ancestors and children events.

Each audit event captures the same high level information (unique id, process id, event type, username, thread, start time, duration, status, machine identification, and software version), when a specific event is retrieved by its unique identification any event specific properties will also be retrieved. An example of event specific property is a for a REST GET event, which may include the HTTP Request and response Headers as well as the URL called. Properties are also returned if child or parent/ancestors are included on a query for a specific audit.

Search Audits

Search all system audits

Entry Point /ws/secure/audit
Access Restricted to Audit Manager, Structure Manager, Portal Manager
Http Method GET

Query Parameters
Parameter Required Description
min_duration no minimum processing duration in milliseconds
max_duration no maximum processing duration in milliseconds
event_type no desc
ancestors no true/false to include ancestor audit events (parent events, and their parents, and so on)
children no true/false to include child audit events (includes all decendants)
limit no maximum number of results
offset no used to page the results, the offset skips an [offset] number of results before writing
parent no retrieve any parent audit events of this event
process_id no filter by the audited process
process_start no filter by the timestamp of the event (no sooner then process start)
process_end no filter by the timestamp of the event (no later then process end)
software_version no the version of the software that was running when the even was captured
status no the response status for the event


A JSON Array of matched events

     "uid": "6fa6c67c-37ac-48e5-b687-da2ebb316857",
     "process_id": "APPLICATION_START",
     "thread": "main",
     "event_type": "START",
     "username": "SYSTEM",
     "process_start": 1644827100088,
     "process_end": 1644827102046,
     "duration": 1958,
     "status": 200,
     "vmid": "f5da5cfeb60c837d:44ff22ec:17ef755c3be:-8000",
     "machine_id": "DESKTOP-E6MP45C/",
     "software_version": "",
     "properties": {}