Refresh - FXLData

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Microsoft 365 Excel and dynamic array formulas


FXLData functions by default work as dynamic array formulas in Microsoft 365 so are refreshed using the normal Excel calculation rules:

Refresh occurs when:

  • a change is made to the formula
  • a change is made to something the formula depends upon such as an argument value held in another cell
  • Excel is forced to recalculate open workbooks using CTRL+ALT+F9 or CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F9
  • a saved workbook is opened

Sign.png The Refresh options on the FXLData ribbon do not refresh dynamic array formulas.

From Code

Refreshing FXLData from VBA, C# or C code uses the standard Excel API calculation functions, for instance:

  • VBA: ActiveSheet.Calculate
  • C API: xlcCalculateDocument()

Office 2010-2019 Excel and Microsoft 365 Excel working in legacy Mode


FXLData Excel ribbon

In older versions of Office Excel and when forcing legacy mode in Microsoft 365 using the @ implicit intersection operator, FXLData functions can be manually refreshed using the Refresh options on the ribbon bar.

  • Refresh Selected: refreshes the FXLData function at the current active cell
  • Refresh Sheet: refreshes all FXLData functions on the current work sheet
  • Refresh Book: refreshes all FXLData functions in the work book
Using Refresh in Legacy mode

From Code

The FXLData add-in exposes three public sub-routines to trigger a refresh from VBA code.

Sign.png A reference to FXLDataAddin must be added to the VBA project.

Macro Example 1 - Refresh the FXLData function in the current active cell

Public Sub myMacro()
End Sub

Macro Example 2 - Refresh all FXLData functions in the workbook

Public Sub myMacro()
End Sub

Macro Example 3 - Refresh all FXLData functions in the current sheet

Public Sub myMacro()
End Sub

Macro Example 4 - Refresh the FXLData function in the specified cell

Public Sub myMacro()
   FXLDataRefreshCell Range("C4")
End Sub