Structural Metadata Import Web Service

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Fusion Registry provides a web service for the import of structural metadata. This can be in any supported structure format, with the information supplied as a file, zip file, in the HTTP body.

The Fusion Registry import actions can be used to tell the service how to treat the incoming information (Append, Replace, Delete, Full Replace, Merge).

Entry Point /ws/secure/sdmxapi/rest/
Access Secure Agency and Admin only
Authentication HTTP Basic Authentication, Certificate Authentication
Http Method POST
Accepts XLSX, SDMX-ML, SDMX-EDI (any format for which there is a Structure Reader)
Compression Zip files supported, if loading from URL gzip responses supported

1. multipart/form-data (if attaching file) – the attached file must be in field name of uploadFile

2. application/text or application/xml (if submitting data in the body of the POST)

Response Format SDMX-ML Submit Structure Response Message (XML)
Response Statuses

200 - Submission Success

400 - Submission could not be performed (either an unreadable dataset, or unresolvable reference to a required structure)

401 - Unauthorized (if access has been restricted)

500 - Server Error

HTTP Headers

HTTP Header Purpose Allowed Values
ACTION If not present in the structure message, the action is used to inform the server how to process the structurs.