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An Identifiable Structure is an abstract term for any structure which has a mandatory ID and a URN. Both a Code and Codelist are examples of Identifiable Structures, as they both have an ID and a URN.

The ID given to an Identifiable is restricted to a range of allowble characters:

Allowable Content Example
Alpha Numeric A-Z a-z 0-9
Dollar $
Hyphen -
Underscore _

The URN is derived from properties of the structure, such as the type of structure, the Agency Id, Id, and Version. As such the URN is not user supplied, but system generated.

Information Model

An Identifiable Structure can, but may not necessarily be, Nameable and Maintainable

An Codelist is Maintainable, Nameable and Identifiable. A Code is both Nameable and Identifiable. A Dimension is only Identifiable, as its name and description come from the Concept that it references.


Identifiable Structures

Maintainable Type Maintainable Parent Description
Agency Scheme - List of Agencies (every Maintainable type is owned by ONE Agency)
Agency Agency Scheme An organisation responsible for owning, and maintaining Structural Metadata
Data Provider Scheme - List of Data Providers (a Data Provider reports data)
Data Provider Data Provider Scheme An organisation responsible for reporting data
Data Consumer Scheme - List of Data Consumers - used for authorisation to resources
Data Consumer Data Consumer Scheme An organisation type. No special SDMX privileges, but security rules can be set up to grant Data Consumers access to certain data and structures
Data Structure Definition - Defines the structure of a Dataset
Dimension Data Structure Definition Defines part of the dataset used to uniquely identify a Series in a Dataset
Data Attribute Data Structure Definition Describes part of the dataset used to provide additional information, against the Dataset, Series or Observation
Dataflow - Defines a data ‘topic’ for collection or dissemination
Category Scheme - List of Categories, can be hierarchical, typically used to categorise datasets
Category Category Scheme Used in conjuntion with a Categorisation, which enabling any Identifiable Structure to be linked. A Category can be used for any purpose, although they are typically used in data dissemination as a way to enable a user to find data by Category.
Categorisation - Links a Category to ANY other Identifiable Structure (e.g Categoryto a Dataflow)
Codelist - List of Codes (e.g Country Codelist)
Code Codelist A single value in a Codelist, an example is United Kingdom which would live in a Country Codelist
Concept Scheme - List of Concepts (used by Data Structures, Metadata Structures)
Concept Concept Scheme A unit of thought, which gives meaning to Structures that use them
Hierarchical Codelist - Enables construction of one or more Code Hierarchies (view on top of Codelists)
Hierarchy Hierarchical Codelist A collection of Hierarchical Code
Hierarchical Code Hierarchy A pointer to a Code in a Codelist used to construct Hierarchies
Metadata Structure - Defines the structure of a Metadata Report
Metadataflow - Defines a metadata ‘topic’ for collection or dissemination
Structure Set - Container for mapping between structures (Codelist Map, Dataflow Map)
Content Constraint - Defines restrictions on Codelists or Series for Data Reporting
Attachment Constraint -
Provision Agreement - Links a Data Provider to a Dataflow for Data Reporting
Process -