Change Log FR - V11 and subsequent releases

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Changelog for Fusion Registry Version 11 and subsequent releases

R1.1.2.00_RFS_31.01.25 (Released January 31, 2025)


Jira Ticket Type Description Solution
RFS-1044 Enhancement Previously, Fusion Data Store would throw an exception when attempting to append new measures to existing observations, which was inconsistent with SQL data sources that support such appends. Added the ability to append new measures to existing observations within the Fusion Data Store.
RFS-1211 Enhancement Update the default data formats from 2.1 to 3.0. The default data format has been updated from *SDMX-Compact-2.1* to {*}SDMX-Compact-3.0{*}, which introduces support for multi-measures. The previous format is still available and can be accessed via the web service dropdown or by specifying the Template:"format" parameter in the URL. The Quick Convert feature is still using SDMX-Compact-2.1 format, and will be changed according to the changes in open-source in the future.
RFS-1233 Bug Fix Display issues found on Chrome Change required following Chromium update release in November 2024. more information here.
RFS-682 Change Issue with Validation schemes and OBS_VALUE data type setting. Numeric values formatting changed to plain string, as validation was not correctly interpreting scientific notation.
RFS-705 Change Out of date branding in the Info area. Regnology branding now displayed in the Info area.
RFS-706 Change Out of date branding on the Home Page footer line. Regnology branding now displayed in the footer.
RFS-79 New Feature Web Services Data New fields in Web Services Data page to allow the user to specify the period. More information here
RFS-844 Enhancement Introduction of Multiple Measures Support for data, Phase A
RFS907 Enhancement New Feature Loading Structures. This option is now available on every page.

File:RFS-ReleaseNotes-R1.2.0.00 RFS 30.01.25.pdf

R1.1.0.00_RFS_05.07.24 (Released 15.07.2024)

This release was delivered by Regnology and the Version numbering has changed along with the ticket numbering system (RFS) used to display changes below.

File:RFS-ReleaseNotes-R1.1.0.00 RFS 05.07.24 1 .pdf


RFS-493 - Tableau Connector. New connector released. This has resulted in behavioural changes for the Observational Value - more information available here.

Bug Fixes:

RFS-580 - Web Services Query ] Problem with "completecube" parameter when using the Data Query Web Service when multiple values are provided.
RFS-514 - Problem with Publication tables when series queries with wild cards present.
RFS-436 - Web Services -Data - System unable to process large volumes of data when Excel Export selected resulting in a need to re-boot. This has been resolved by implemented the Series and Observation limit in the Admin -Server Settings - XLSX format.
RFS-433 - Registry Managed Database - Temporary Table unavailable causing data load failure.
RFS-287 - Download Structures - Warning message when trying to download non SDMX structures in SDMX format missing. Message implemented - JSON format should be used.

Version 11.13.0 (Released: 2024/02/08)

Based on FMR 11.14.1

RFS-22: Creating "flat CSV" no longer includes unecessary Sibling Group entries at the start of the file

RFS-181: Support for SDMX-ML v3.0 Data
RFS-39: Update vulnerable third-party dependencies

Bug Fixes:
RFS-163: Data Web Service contains duplicate entry for "Excel"
RFS-164: Data Web Service contains unstyled text label
RFS-76: "lastUpdated" parameter not working correctly on Data Query for external databases

Version 11.12.3 (Released: 2023/11/24)

Based on FMR 11.13.0

Bug Fix:
FR11-217: Concurrent modification exception in cache

Version 11.12.2 (Released: 2023/11/22)

Based on FMR 11.13.0

FR11-216: REST query which results in no data now returns a 404 with an SDMX error message, was previously an empty dataset

Bug Fix:
FR11-215: Publication Tables: 'includePeriod' REST query parameter returns no data when multiple Dataflows are used and 1 has no data

Version 11.12.1 (Released: 2023/11/21)

Based on FMR 11.13.0

FR11-211: Improvements to the "Test Mapping" feature

Bug Fix:
FR11-214: Registry can consume all connections to an External Data Store

Version 11.12.0 (Released: 2023/11/20)

Based on FMR 11.13.0

New Features:
FR11-210: Publication Table: Calculation expression to support default value when no Observation found
FR11-213: Publication Tables: Calculation expression to support default value if no reported value found

Bug Fix:
FR11-212: Publication Table: Formatting issue using partial keys - returns 400 exception

Version 11.11.0 (Released: 2023/11/03)

New Features:
FR11-206: Create aggregate series using linked Hierarchy
FR11-207: Data Query detail parameter; added 'raw' as a new value to support export of data with no calcualted values via hierarchical aggregations

Bug Fixes:
FR11-208: In a Generated Reporting Template permit format modification on Observation Cells
FR11-209: Publication Table: Issue applying formatting rules across multiple Dataflows

Version 11.10.1 (Released: 2023/09/15)

Bug Fix:
FR11-205: saveas=[filename].zip from v1 SDMX web service results in a corrupt zip

Version 11.10.0 (Released: 2023/09/11)

Based on FMR 11.10.1

New Features:
FR11-195: Publication Tables: Allow dependant variables to be overridden from the API
FR11-197: Default response formats in v2 web service are now configurable
FR11-203: Kafa: new topic to publish structure transaction events to
FR11-204: Kafa: new topic to publish reference metadata events to

FR11-202: Structure Format response is no longer auto detected if not explicitly set (takes value from default setting)

FR11-198: Querying for data by observation attributes

Bug Fixes:
FR11-199: saveas=zip is not working on v2 API
FR11-200: Publication table: Formatting cells ignores UNIT_MULT when it is reported as a dataset level attribute
FR11-201: Publication table: Conditional Formatting being applied when condition references a Component which is not present in DSD

Version 11.9.6 (Released: 2023/08/25)

FR11-163: Validator: "Missing Attributes" renamed to "Missing Components" and reports on missing Measures
FR11-164: Add "Output Required" UI control to Structure Mapping
FR110188: Adding a observation formatting rule treats comma separeted component ids as an AND operator (was OR)

FR11-146: Update Apache POI to version 5
FR11-147: Update Commons-fileupload third-party dependency
FR11-148: Update Spring dependencies
FR11-149: Update Jettison third-party dependency
FR11-150: Web Service to refresh caches
FR11-158: Merging a Codelist should merge Locale information
FR11-160: Update Spring and Jackson Dependencies
FR11-161: Implment caching on publication tables
FR11-167: Improve Mapping functionality so that it can perform Validation
FR11-171: Portal File system sweep - allow files to be placed in root of sweep directory
FR11-173: Update Kryo to version 5.5.0
FR11-174: Publication Tables - not formatting numbers with scientific notation
FR11-175: Components with Time based Mappings cannot be edited in the Structure Map Wizard
FR11-176: Support Custom Plugins
FR11-190: Add SDMX-JSON v2 to the UI
FR11-191: Restore Fusion Security as an authentication mechanism
FR11-192: FMR#481: Duplicated group IDs for schema queries in SDMX-JSON
FR11-193: Mapped Datasets Configuration - new option "Output Required"

Bug Fixes:
FR11-151: Item Validity not returning most recent entry prior to today's date
FR11-152: Subscript out of range error with FusionXL when carriage return is in the name of a structure
FR11-153: No transactions returned on SDMX Transactions page when using date slider
FR11-155: Publicaiton Table Editor: Dependent Variables, remove variable button does not work
FR11-156: Publication Table availabililty algorithm modified to better calculate default values when using multiple dataflows
FR11-157: FusionXL resolve carriage returns in concept names
FR11-159: Cross references not updated correctly when structure already exists
FR11-162: Update Vulnerable Dependencies for FMR 11.7.0
FR11-165: Validating Generic Data can result in IllegalElement error
FR11-166: FMR#418 - Conversion and mapping services fail to read SDMX CSV 2.0 format files with BOM
FR11-168: CSV-TS data format outputting names as labels does not output labels in last Dimension/Attribute column
FR11-169: RegEx Capture Groups for Representation Map only support 0-9 (\10 and above does not work)

Version 11.9.5 (Released: 2023/03/08)

FR11-140: Modification of interpration of SDMX-CSV V2 row

FR11-145: Fusion Excel Export Data API now takes an additional 'attachment' parameter

Bug Fixes:
FR11-137: Removal of dependencies: gson, protobuf, closure, args4j
FR11-138: Unable to load Structure File when Mapping refers to DSD with ValueList coded dimension
FR11-141: Caching in reference metadata requests
FR11-142: Parsing EDI fails to detect malformed period
FR11-143: EDI REL segment must be followed by ARR segment
FR11-144: Publication Table - Calculations which contain missing values should not output a value

Version 11.9.4 (Released: 2023/02/17)

Bug Fixes
FR11-135: Publication Table - calculated values could come back as enginnering string when standard form is requested
FR11-136: Regression mapped data store was not mapping rows with null attribute values

Version 11.9.3 (Released: 2023/02/16)

Bug Fixes:
FR11-129: Temporary "MV" files not being cleared up after data transformation

FR11-131: Improve Performance of large Codelists which have Item Validity
FR11-133: Improve linking to external datasource by auto detecting foreign key

Version 11.9.2 (Released: 2023/02/13)

FR11-132: Supported 'latest' in v2 query to prevent errors in connected tools

Version 11.9.1 (Released: 2023/02/10)

Bug Fix:
FR11-128: Security rule on OBS Attribute blocks observation when value is null

Version 11.9.0 (Released: 2023/02/03)

FR11-117: Provide option to skip Validation phase in Transform Web Service
FR11-120: Publication Table - apply number formatting to calculated cells
FR11-121: Publication Table - Apply number scaling before calculations

FR11-118: Use the public fastUtil library

Bug Fixes:
FR11-116: Timezone issue with REST API resulting in no data
FR11-119: Codelists with Annotations not being correctly parsed in SDMX-JSON
FR11-123: EDI should prevent Quadruplet attributes in Footnote Section
FR11-124: EDI file missing mandatory Period Information validates successfully
FR11-125: Improve validation of EDI DTM segment
FR11-126: Publication Table - decimal places (fixed) truncated trailing zero places when locale was also set
FR11-127: Duplicate elements in SDMX CSV result in unexpected output

Version 11.8.2 (Released: 2023/01/17)

FR11-108: Prevent contradictory excel mappings (generted from Fame Metadata Manager) worksheets being uploaded to Registry
FR11-109: Flag contradictory excel mappings (generted from Fame Metadata Manager) in generated worksheet
FR11-134: Improve Metrics Report with IncUnmappedReport option

FR11-111: Change ID Generation of Representation Map from FusionFameMapper xlsx files.
FR11-115: Ensure Implicit Mappings in Structure Maps validate codelists for valid intersection

Bug Fixes:
FR11-107: Parent codes should be included in reference partial
FR11-110: Complete Cube web service feature outputs empty measure values (not 0 values)
FR11-112: Data export formats excel-ts and excel-series can miss observations in output series if series contains observations with no measure values and no attribute values
FR11-113: Fix 'too much recursion' error with reverse engineer data structure with large number of Dimensions
FR11-114: Validate submission of Structure Map's Implicit mappings to ensure Coded mappings have a valid intersection from source to target

Version 11.8.1 (Released: 2023/01/11)

Bug Fixes:
FR11-101: Unable to import Codelists with multiple levels of inheritence in same submission as structures that use inherited codes
FR11-102: Bulk actions - detail=raw is ignored
FR11-103: REST query: detail=raw is not applied to referenced codelists
FR11-104: IncValid output may contain empty series when it should not be generated
FR11-105: Annotations are ignored when importing 2.1 XML Hierarchical Codelists
FR11-106: format=csv-series null pointer

Version 11.8.0 (Released: 2022/12/21)

Important Note for MySQL users: due to changes in the distribution of the MySQL connector (change FR11-94 below), please read this article.

New Feature:
FR11-98: Publication Table - support a scaling function applied to numerical observations

FR11-93: Improve Performance of Viewing a Hierarchy

FR11-91: Validation and Transformation should preserve original format unless output format specified see Accept Header see Accept Header
FR11-94: Remove MySQL Connector

Bug Fixes:
FR11-89: Support dataset attribute consolidation (detection of duplicates)
FR11-90: Observation deletions are no longer written in EDI format
FR11-92: NPE when publishing EDI data from Command Line
FR11-95: Publication Table - UI changes table definition (looses column) when clicking preview table
FR11-96: Publication Table - Preview table error when table heading Rowspan > 1
FR11-97: Publication Table - bug fix on formatting obs which removed values from output table
FR11-99: Publication Table - Scientific Notation shows NaN in UI and is not applied to observation values
FR11-100: Refreshable workbook - issue security challenge when connecting to private server
FMR11-207: Transforming Data with "Delete" action can leave erroneous output in EDI format
FMR11-217: Publication Tables: Numerical Observation, "Add Rule" button does not work
FMR11-224: Failure to report unmapped data when using TIME_PERIOD mapping

Version 11.7.2 (Released: 2022/11/22)

FR11-84 - In SDMX CSV, SERIES_KEY and OBS_KEY will output with the quote marks around the whole key

Bug Fixes:
FR11-80 - Validation on Group ID should ignore case
FR11-82 - Size of column in Portal Table not large enough to contain Data Source ID
FR11-85 - When loading via Registry UI, Data file with Duplicate Series results in MV Store Error
FR11-86 - Viewing a Representation Map has issue with "valid from" on Mappings

Version 11.7.1 (Released: 2022/11/15)

New Feature:
FR11-83 - Support Categorise Publication Table via the UI

Version 11.7.0 (Released: 2022/11/11)

New Feature:
FR11-78 - Publication Table Support Numerical Observation formatting

Bug Fixes:
FR11-79 - Fix an issue when "edi.datagroup.identifier" specified with value of asterisk
FR11-80 - Validation on Group ID should ignore case
FR11-81 - Data Portal - ESTAT Connector fix

Version 11.6.0 (Released: 2022/11/31)

New Features:
FR11-76 - Audit Structure Queries
FR11-77 - Audit Data Queries

FR11-75 - Support for extended UTF-8 characters

FR11-65 - Update FontAwesome to use Version 6

Bug Fixes:
FR11-71 - Corrected issue with Dynamic Attributes
FR11-72 - Version Drop-Down not Displayed when Selected Item on Page Load
FR11-74 - Security Group Web Service does not output UTF-8 characters
FR11-65 - Update Web Services "structure" page so the plus symbol is used for "latest"

Version 11.5.2 (Released: 2022/10/14)

New Feature:
FMR11-194 - Publication Table - support casting dates more then once in same expression

FMR11-202 - Update dependencies: Hibernate, Spring-Kafka, Jettison and Jersey

Bug Fixes:
FR11-66 - "Metadata Provider Scheme" not listed on Web Service -> Structures page
FR11-67 - "Metadata Provider Wizard" does not allow Providers to start with a numeric yet the SDMX Standard allows this
FR11-68 - "Metadata Provider Scheme" not listed on Cross References page
FR11-69 - Attaching Reference Metadata to Items in an item scheme fails to add link (cache issue)
FMR11-189 - Behaviour of web service resolving multiple Codelist inheritance with "details=raw"
FMR11-196 - Unable to read Excel Spreadsheet where all Frequencies are Formulas
FMR11-197 - Request for Codelist in SDMX-JSON, "details=raw", references="children" doesn't return children as raw
FMR11-198 - Request for Codelist in SDMX-JSON, "details=raw", references="descendants" doesn't return descendants
FMR11-199 - "Metadata Provider Scheme" not listed on Web Service -> Structures page
FMR11-200 - "Metadata Provider Wizard" does not allow Providers to start with a numeric yet the SDMX Standard allows this
FMR11-201 - "Metadata Provider Scheme" not listed on Cross References page
FMR11-203 - Attaching Reference Metadata to Items in an item scheme fails to add link (cache issue)
FMR11-205 - Version Number not Displayed when Selected Item on Page Load

Version (Released: 2022/10/10)

FR11-73 - Modify SQL to ensure GMT Timezone is used

Version 11.5.1 (Released: 2022/10/05)

New Features:
FR11-60 - Publication Table - support casting dates more then once in same expression
FR11-61 - orderMeasure web service parameter to sort observations by date asc/desc

Version 11.5.0 (Released: 2022/09/28)

New Features:
FMR11-187/FR11-53 - Support recovery of structure transactions from backup on installation
FR11-52 - Support variable number of max arguments to a SQL IN statement
FR11-58 - Support import of datafile containing mulitple datasets

FMR11-183 - Update dependencies
FR11-48 - Update third-party dependencies: apache-jstl, commons-dcp2, joda-time, spring, tika-core
FR11-45 - Add Version Number to Provision Agreement Selector in Data Source Manager Modal

Bug Fixes:
FMR11-181/FR11-46 - SDMX CSV v 2.0 Data Format does not report its format
FMR11-184/FR11-49 - Support '*' for structure type in REST API
FMR11-185/FR11-51 - Failure on Compare Revision shows Stack Trace
FMR11-186/FR11-55 - SDMX-JSON Writer not outputting DSD as stub
FR11-50 - FameMapper code is creating Excel files in temporary storage which are not deleted
FR11-54 - EDI data not fully consolidated when publishing data via web service

Version 11.4.3 (Released: 2022/09/13)

New Features:
FMR11-174 - Publication Tables: Formatting of Missing Values support ObsValue=NaN
FMR11-175 - Support Reading of Reference Metadata (with restrictions) in version 2.1 SDMX

FMR11-182 - Modify ID generation strategy for importing Reference Metadata at v2.1

Bug Fixes:
FR11-39 - OBS_PRE_BREAK validation corrected
FR11-43 - SDMX DSD output may include invalid attribute "isMultiLingual"
FR11-44 - SQL Server does not delete temporary tables
FMR11-169 - SDMX CSV v1 Data Reader does not allow header fields (row 1) to be double quoted
FMR11-170 - Bulk Export - spelling mistake on Raw help text
FMR11-171 - Order of revisions not as expected
FMR11-176 - OBS_PRE_BREAK validation corrected
FMR11-178 - Quadruplet in EDI vs the other formats in the context of data consolidation or integration
FMR11-179 - SDMX DSD output may include invalid attribute "isMultiLingual"

Version 11.4.2 (Released: 2022/08/19)

Bug Fixes:
FR11-30 - Fusion Security Manager will not accept AD group names longer than 30 characters
FR11-34 - Updated third-party dependencies

Version 11.4.1 (Released: 2022/08/10)

Bug Fixes:
FR11-21 - Issue loading data into SQL Server in Registry managed table FR11-26 - Bulk Export - spelling mistake on Raw help text
FR11-27 - Order of revisions not as expected
FR11-28 - JNDI Registry Managed Database - unable to load data
FR11-25 - SDMX CSV v1 Data Reader does not allow header fields (row 1) to be double quoted

Version 11.4.0 (Released: 2022/07/22)

New Feature:
FR11-18 - Support Reference Metadata

FMR11-146 - Dependency updates
FMR11-159 - Add "Raw" option to Download structures and remove "Include internal settings"
FMR11-160 - Allow a Concept Representation to be a ValueList

Bug Fixes:
FR11-14 - Issue loading Data Constraint with a Component element under Cube Region element
FR11-17 - Attribute variable does not work in table heading
FR11-19 - Increase max size of security group ID from 30 to 100 characters
FMR11-162 - SERIES_KEY column should be reserved for series keys
FMR11-161 - Issue loading Data Constraint with a Component element under Cube Region element
FMR11-163 - Attribute variable does not work in table heading
FMR11-166 - Duplicate attribute is not detected anymore in FMR
FMR11-167 - Publication Table - Array Variables fail to save
FMR11-168 - Error encountered whist attempting to deserialize structure

Version 11.3.0 (Released: 2022/07/06)

New Feature:
FR11-10/FMR11-153 - Environment Synchronisation - compare the structural metadata content with that from another Registry, push or pull changes

FMR11-158 - Publication Table: Footnotes support

Bug Fixes:
FMR11-152 - Comma not being processed correctly in Web Service query for ItemBeans
FMR11-154 - Unexpected structure validation error from FMR
FMR11-155 - Structure validation errors are not detected anymore in FMR
FMR11-156 - v2 structure REST API does not support queries for multiple items using the comma syntax
FMR11-157 - Typo in header of Representation Maps page

Version 11.2.0 (Released: 2022/06/27)

New Feature:
[FMR11-150] Specify the validation and transformation behaviour when duplicate observations are found -

Bug Fixes:
[FR11-3] Schema Query in structure format does not work
[FR11-4] Fusion Cache ignoring parameters like normalise freq on V1 data queries
[FR11-5] Data Point Security - allow rule against a series attribute value that does not exist in the dataset restricts all data
[FR11-8] Comma not being processed correctly in Web Service query for ItemBeans
[FMR11-141] Re-opening of Alternate Half year Issue
[FMR11-143] TIME_FORMAT not being generated correctly
[FMR11-144] Problem with Date data type when reverse engineering a DSD from a CSV dataset
[FMR11-145] Problem with Description data type when reverse engineering a DSD from a CSV dataset
[FMR11-147] DSD Wizard step 3 - not allowing Enumerated Representation
[FMR11-148] Schema Query in Structure Format does not work

[FMR11-140] Revert xsi:type=SiblingType, change the schema to output the Group as Sibling not SiblingType -

Version 11.1.0 (Released: 2022/06/01)

New Feature:
Publication Tables
[FR-5130] Publication Table - Support Dynamic Rows
[FR-5131] Publication Table - Format rules on cells with no data
[FR-5132] Publication Table - Rules to derive a Dimension Value from another Dimenison's value
[FR-5133] Publication Table - Option to output rows with no data
[FR-5134] Publication Table - Ouput Materialised Table in Excel

[FR-5129] - Support for MySQL 8 and above

Version 11.0.0 (Released: 2022/05/22)

Changes and New Features:

  • Change to the SDMX 3.0 information model as Fusion Registry’s internal metadata object model
  • SDMX 3.0 REST API support
  • Backward compatibility for SDMX 2.1 and 2.0 structures and formats
  • Backward compatibility with SDMX 2.1 REST API (REST API v1 specification)
  • Improved data and metadata access control
  • Granular control over admin rights
  • Fusion Portal – scheduled and on demand data and structure loads
  • Refreshable Excel data format
  • JNDI database connection option
  • Publication Tables - publish curated but dynamic user interactive web data tables that show precisely the statistics required even if they come from multiple different data sets

Breaking Changes from Fusion Registry 10:

  • Change to the operating database schema - upgrading from Fusion Registry 10 to Fusion Registry 11 requires a fresh install and migration of the metadata, data and settings
  • Environment sync function temporarily removed
  • Fusion Security support deprecated - Active Directory and LDAP are the supported authentication services in Fusion Registry 11