Fusion Fame Mapper Install

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To install Fusion Fame Mapper (FFM), the recommended approach is to host FFM on the same domain as your Fusion Registry, for example if your Registry is accessed via https://FusionRegistry.yourorg.com then FFM could be accessed via https://FusionFameMapper.yourorg.com, this will eliminate any potential CORS issues.

If your Fusion Registry is hosted via Apache Tomcat, then you can simply copy and paste the Fusion Security Manager folder into the webapps folder of tomcat. Whatever your folder is called that has FSM will be what goes in your URL of the web browser, for example Tomcat/webapps/FusionFameMapper will be accessed via http(s)//localhost:8080/FusionFameMapper. FFM can be hosted on any server capable of hosting HTML and JavaScript, it does not need to be Apache Tomcat.

Installation Steps

  1. Copy the Fusion Fame Mapper folder to your web application server (example Apache or Tomcat)
  2. Configure FFM using a text editor or JSON editor such as Brackets
  3. Configure Fusion Security Manager to ensure the target audience is able to see appropriate datasets. More information
  4. Open your web browser, and enter the appropriate URL