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Explore Fusion Registry's statistical data warehouse, visualise and analyse the data, and extract data into other tools for further analysis.



  • Fusion Registry Enterprise Edition

Fusion Registry Built-In Administrative Data Browser

This feature in not available in Version 11, it has been replaced by Fusion Data Browser.

Fusion Registry's built-in data browser is designed for administrations, data providers and content managers to explore the catalogue of data, examine datasets and series, and retrieve data for management purposes.

Click the Browse Data link on the Fusion Registry home page.

AdminDataBrowser.PNG Video

Fusion Data Browser for Data Consumers

Fusion Data Browser is a powerful standalone web application aimed at end-user data consumer for data search, visualisation and analysis.
It’s main use cases are for organisations with internal analytics teams who need a tool to access their Fusion Registry Statistical Data Warehouse, and for use on public dissemination web portals to provide casual data consumers with an interactive way to browse and explore the data catalogue.

Fusion Data Browser has to be installed on a web server, but has few other pre-requisites. For simple installations or testing purposes, it can be deployed to the same web application server as used for your Fusion Registry installation (Apache Tomcat, for example).

Refer to Fusion Data Browser installation for installation and configuration guidance, and Fusion Data Browser for more on features and functionality.

DataBrowser1.PNG Video

Tableau® Web Data Connector

Connect Tableau directly to a Fusion Registry data source.
Start Tableau, choose Web Data Connector and enter the URL of the Fusion Registry service you want to connect to.

Examples URLs:

The Fusion Registry query builder allows you to explore the catalogue of datasets, select those of interest and create filters to retrieve just the series you need. Tableau retrieves the data directly from Fusion Registry allowing you to perform analysis, build charts and create dashboards as normal.

TableauWebDataConnector.PNG Video