A beginners guide to Fusion Data Browser

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Before using this Guide, please ensure that Fusion Data Bowater has been installed, configured and that all the steps in this article have been considered.


Fusion Data Browser is a web tool for data consumers to explore the Fusion Registry data catalogue, create charts and tables, and download data.

Key areas.png

There are 4 key areas of functionality to consider:

  • Dataset Navigation
  • Saved Queries, Charts and Baskets
  • Search
  • Management options

However, before any of the other functions can be used, you must start with data.

The image above shows the Fusion Data Browser is its initial state. There has been no activity so far. In order to start using the Browser, you must have data which has been published or registered.

Dataset Navigation


Series List

In the example below you can see that Poverty has been selected from the Navigation panel and in the mid section you will see a list of series.


Functions available

Function Display Effect
Home FDB-Home.png This will return you to the Home page.
Dataset Name FDB DS Name.png Return to the Series List.
Share FDB Share.png Creates a URL of the Page or the Query. This URL can be opened directly or copied to the clipboard. You can use this feature to send the URL which can be opened by anyone with that URL. The source Registry must be running for an ‘outsider’ to view the query. You can learn more about Sharing URLs Share URL in this article.
Save FDB Save.png This enables you to save a Query. You can learn more about Saving Queries Data Browser Configuration in this article.
Series Basket FDB Series Basket.png This enables you to save a selection of series to a new or existing basket. You can learn more about Series Baskets in this article.
Export Data FDB Download.png This enables you to Export the data. You can learn more about the Export options in this article.
Series List FDB Series List.png This button is only active if you have moved to the Table or Time series display. If you are using one of these, clicking the Series List button will return you to the list as displayed above. You can learn more about the Export options in this article.
Table FDB Table.png This button is active from the Series List and opens up the Data Browser Table which is explained further in this article.
Time Series FDB Time Series.png This button is active from Series List and opens up the Data Browser Time Series Chart which is explained further in this article.

Data Browser Table

Clicking the FDB Table.png button will open up the Table View as shown in the example below.

Data Browser Table View.png

Functions available here

Function Display Effect
Save FDB Save.png This enables you to save a Chart. You can learn more about Saving Charts Data Browser Configuration in this article.
Export Data FDB Download.png This enables you to Export the data. You can learn more about the Export options in this article.
Calculations FDB Calculations.png This button enables you to perform Calculations, the Table view will be updated accordingly. You can learn more about Calculations Data Browser Table Calculations in this article
Dataset Period [[File:FDB Dataset Period.png|50px] This button allows you to define a start and end period and or specify the (last) number of observations to be displayed in the Data Table.
H1 FDB Table Title.png This button allows you to create a title, and a sub-title for a chart which will appear on the Table view. You can enter free text or use the lookup feature to obtain a title from components in the Data Structure.
Share FDB Share.png Creates a URL of the Page or the Query. This URL can be opened directly or copied to the clipboard. You can use this feature to send the URL which can be opened by anyone with that URL. The source Registry must be running for an ‘outsider’ to view the query. You can learn more about Sharing URLs Share URL in this article.
Series List FDB Series List.png This button is only active if you have moved to the Table or Time series display. If you are using one of these, clicking the Series List button will return you to the list as displayed above. You can learn more about the Export options in this article.
Table FDB Table.png This button is active from the Series List and opens up the Data Browser Table which is explained further in this article.
Time Series FDB Time Series.png This button is active from the Table and opens up the Data Browser Time Series Chart which is explained further in this article.

Saved Queries, Charts and Baskets


Management options

These are available from the Blue menu button as shown below.


Login / Logout

This menu allows you to Login and Out however please note that if you are already logged into Fusion Registry when you open the Data Browser, you will be logged in automatically.

The Management Options Managing Saved Charts and Queries is a user related function as explained in this article and there is no need to Login.

To use the options Manage Pre-Defined Queries and Managed Dataflows, you must be logged in as these are system wide features.


This option allows you to use any of the languages configured in the property files - you need to have the appropriate language identified in the siteconfig.json, for example:

  "Locales" : ["en", "he", "ru"],

And a corresponding language property file must exist: for example: Browser_lang_he.json

You can learn more about languages in this article.

Saved Queries

When a query is saved, there is an option to save the query as Private (saved local) (this relates to User as described here or Public.

This option allows you to manage (Delete) Local (Private) queries.

Useful Articles

Saving Data Browser Queries

Data Browser Export Functions

Share URL

Data Browser Table

Data Browser Time Series Chart

Calculations in the Data Table

Working with Queries

Pre-Defined Queries