Overview FXLData

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Revision as of 08:24, 18 July 2024 by Vmurrell (talk | contribs)
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An Excel add-in providing a collection of functions for retrieving statistical data from a Fusion Registry directly into a worksheet

The FXLData family of functions are Excel array formulas.

These work in the same way normal as normal single-cell functions such as =SUM() and =STDEV() with the exception that the result is an array of series and observation values spanning a range of rows and columns.

Microsoft's documentation provides general information on how to work with array formulas in Excel.

Fxldata animation.gif

In addition to the Parameterised functions a Data Wizard, is available as an Excel Ribbon Tool for interactively building and editing FXLData functions and comes as part of the add-in.

Wizard - July 2004