Change Log Fusion Portal

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Revision as of 02:23, 18 July 2024 by Vmurrell (talk | contribs) (R1.1.0.00_RFS_05.07.24 (Released 15.07.2024))
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R1.1.0.00_RFS_05.07.24 (Released 15.07.2024)

This release was delivered by Regnology and the Version numbering has changed along with the ticket numbering system (RFS) used to display changes below. This release includes some branding changes to move away from Metadata Technology branding such as the about page.

RFS-130 - Ability to configure the colour of the Banner.


RFS-327 - Eurostat/Estat customer connection ceased working as SDMX Web Service changed. The connection option has been removed. Note that in earlier versions of Portal, the connection will be present, but will not work.

Version 1.0.3 (Released: 2021/12/22)

Fixed table heading in structure transactions table

Version 1.0.2 (Released: 2021/12/21)

Include Status column in data transaction table
Support validation full or disable in Data Job

Version 1.0.1 (Released: 2021/12/09)

First Public Release