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Fusion Registry can use LDAP as the authorization mechanism

Defining an LDAP connection

Specifying the Connection Details

On the page page Security -> Authentication Service ensure the drop-down states "LDAP". The following fields are presented.

Item Description
Protocol and hostname Mandatory Either select ldap or ldaps (LDAP over SSL) in the left-side drop-down. In the input field, enter the server and if necessary port number. E.g. localhost:10389
Base DN The Base Distinguished Name identifies the entry in the directory from which searches initiated by LDAP clients occur. E.g dc=metdatatechnology,dc=com
Manager DN The manager DN used for querying the directory server and so this user must have privileges to search the directory. E.g. cn=admin,dc=metdatatechnology,dc=com
Manager Password The password for the manager account
User Search Base The starting point the LDAP server uses when searching for users authentication within your directory. This works in tandem with the base DN. E.g A value of "ou=people" would search under "ou=people" under the Base DN "dc=metdatatechnology,dc=com"
User Search Filter Used to identify the users under the User Search Base by a particular criteria. This is often likely to be: uid={0}
Group Search Base The starting point the LDAP server uses when searching for groups within your directory. This works in tandem with the base DN. E.g A value of "ou=people" would search for groups under "ou=people" under the Base DN "dc=metdatatechnology,dc=com"
Group Search Filter Used to identify the groups under the Group Search Base by a particular criteria. E.g. member={0}
Role Prefix An optional prefix which will be prepended to Granted Authority values loaded from the directory.
UserID Attribute Mandatory This is used to determine what value a user should be displayed as. It is likely this value will be uid

Once the LDAP server has been set up correctly you should find that attempts to logon as a user from your LDAP directory may be refused permission due to lack of permissions.

The next step is to set up Fusion Security Manager.