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see Data Formats


The Fusion-CSV-Series Data format predated SDMX-CSV and is not an official SDMX format. The format displays each series in its own column. The series is either shown in 'Short code' format 'D:BGN:EUR:SP00:A' where each part fo the short code is linked to a Dimension value. For example D:BGN:EUR would be decoded as 'D' in the Frequency Dimension = Daily, 'BGN' in the Currency Dimension is Bulgarian Lev, and EUR is Europe in the Country Dimension. An alternative view of the series is where each Dimension is decoded in its own Row. When the short code is decoded, series Attributes are included in the output. When the short code is not decoded, attributes are omitted.

CSV Series with Series Short Code Decoded
An example of CSV-Series showing short codes only

Fusion-CSV-Series can be used as an export format for the Fusion Registry, and an export format for the Fusion Edge Server and Fusion Data Browser. Fusion-CSV-Series can not be used as a data import format.


The following URL parameters can be used in a RESTful query for Fusion-CSV-TS data.

  • format = csv-series
  • delimiter =comma | tab | semicolon | space (comma is default)
  • labels = id | both (id is default)

Example https://demo.metadatatechnology.com/FusionRegistry/ws/public/sdmxapi/rest/data/WB,GCI,1.0/GHA.GCI..?format=csv-series&labels=both&delimiter=tab

Example Output

An example query using the format request parameters, HTTP Accept Headers can also be used to define the same format.

An example dataset with IDs only, spaces have been added to this example to assist readability.

Time Period,    GHA:GCI:RANK:A,    GHA:GCI:VALUE:A
2008,	        102,	           3.616139933
2009,	        114,	           3.448062477
2010,	        114,	           3.55568976

The same dataset in Fusion-CSV with lables included. Note, labels columns are only included if the Dimension, Attribute, or Measure is Coded, if it is not, then only one column is output - this can be seen in the table below where both TIME_PERIOD and OBS_VALUE are only single columns.

Reference Area, GHA:Ghana,                              GHA:Ghana, 
Indicator, 	GCI:Global Competitiveness Index, 	GCI:Global Competitiveness Index
Sub Indicator, 	RANK:Rank,                              VALUE:Value
Frequency, 	A:Annual,                               A:Annual
Time Period, 	GHA:GCI:RANK:A,                         GHA:GCI:VALUE:A
2008,           102,                                    3.616139933
2009,           114,                                    3.448062477
2010,           114,                                    3.55568976