Data Registration

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A Data Registration tells the Fusion Registry that data exists for a Provision Agreement. Data Registrations are automatically managed by the Fusion Registry for data stores which are managed by the Fusion Registry (Fusion Store and Registry Managed Databases). For data stores which are accessed via a URL (Registered SDMX web services, Files) the Fusion Reigstry must be told where those URLs are via a Data Registration. For externally managed databases, the Fusion Registry will automaitcally create a data registration when the data store is initially linked to, when the data changes in the database, the Fusion Registry must be told to update it's caches via a re-registration request.

Re-Registering Data

User Interface

For registry managed, and external databases and Admin user can re-register data from the admin -> datasources page. For URLs and files data can be re-registered from the home page.

SDMX web Service

Data can be re-registered by submitting a SDMX Data Registration request to the following service.

Entry Point /ws/secure/sdmxapi/rest
Access Private (admin/agency/data provider for the Provision Agreement)
Http Method POST
Accepts SDXM-ML Submit Registration Request
Compression gzip
Content-Type xml
Response Format xml
Response Statuses

200 - registration success

400 - Bad URN syntax

401 - Unauthorized (if access has been restricted)

403 - No results (no data)

500 - Server Error

Example Document

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mes:RegistryInterface xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xml="" xmlns:mes="" xmlns:reg="" xmlns:com="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
   <mes:Sender id="S1"/>
   <mes:Receiver id="not_supplied"/>
     <reg:RegistrationRequest action="Replace">
       <reg:Registration lastUpdated="2019-03-21T12:58:17" indexReportingPeriod="false" indexDataSet="false" indexAttributes="false" id="1167332d21d37d8589879ce5ff7d35ee" indexTimeSeries="false">
           <Ref package="registry" agencyID="MY_ACY" id="PROV_ID" version="1.0" class="ProvisionAgreement"/>

Alternative web Service

An alternative, and simpler mechanism is via this web service

Entry Point /ws/registry/registration/reRegisterService
Access Private (admin/agency/data provider for the Provision Agreement)
Http Method POST
Accepts application/json
Compression N/A
Content-Type N/A
Response Format application/json
Response Statuses

200 - registration success

400 - Bad URN syntax

401 - Unauthorized (if access has been restricted)

403 - No results (no data)

500 - Server Error

The POST should include the URN of the Provision Agreement to re-register data for, in the body of the message.