Change Log FR - V11 and subsequent releases
Changelog for Fusion Registry Version 11
Version 11.4.0 (Released: 2022/07/22)
New Feature:
FR11-18 - Support Reference Metadata
FMR11-146 - Dependency updates
FMR11-159 - Add "Raw" option to Download structures and remove "Include internal settings"
FMR11-160 - Allow a Concept Representation to be a ValueList
Bug Fixes:
FR11-14 - Issue loading Data Constraint with a Component element under Cube Region element
FR11-17 - Attribute variable does not work in table heading
FMR11-162 - SERIES_KEY column should be reserved for series keys
FMR11-161 - Issue loading Data Constraint with a Component element under Cube Region element
FMR11-163 - Attribute variable does not work in table heading
FMR11-166 - Duplicate attribute is not detected anymore in FMR
FMR11-167 - Publication Table - Array Variables fail to save
FMR11-168 - Error encountered whist attempting to deserialize structure
Version 11.3.0 (Released: 2022/07/6)
New Feature:
FR11-10/FMR11-153 - Environment Synchronisation - compare the structural metadata content with that from another Registry, push or pull changes
FMR11-158 - Publication Table: Footnotes support
Bug Fixes:
FMR11-152 - Comma not being processed correctly in Web Service query for ItemBeans
FMR11-154 - Unexpected structure validation error from FMR
FMR11-155 - Structure validation errors are not detected anymore in FMR
FMR11-156 - v2 structure REST API does not support queries for multiple items using the comma syntax
FMR11-157 - Typo in header of Representation Maps page
Version 11.2.0 (Released: 2022/06/27)
New Feature:
[FMR11-150] Specify the validation and transformation behaviour when duplicate observations are found -
Bug Fixes:
[FR11-3] Schema Query in structure format does not work
[FR11-4] Fusion Cache ignoring parameters like normalise freq on V1 data queries
[FR11-5] Data Point Security - allow rule against a series attribute value that does not exist in the dataset restricts all data
[FR11-8] Comma not being processed correctly in Web Service query for ItemBeans
[FMR11-141] Re-opening of Alternate Half year Issue
[FMR11-143] TIME_FORMAT not being generated correctly
[FMR11-144] Problem with Date data type when reverse engineering a DSD from a CSV dataset
[FMR11-145] Problem with Description data type when reverse engineering a DSD from a CSV dataset
[FMR11-147] DSD Wizard step 3 - not allowing Enumerated Representation
[FMR11-148] Schema Query in Structure Format does not work
[FMR11-140] Revert xsi:type=SiblingType, change the schema to output the Group as Sibling not SiblingType -
Version 11.1.0 (Released: 2022/06/01)
New Feature:
[FR-5130] Publication Table - Support Dynamic Rows
[FR-5131] Publication Table - Format rules on cells with no data
[FR-5132] Publication Table - Rules to derive a Dimension Value from another Dimenison's value
[FR-5133] Publication Table - Option to output rows with no data
[FR-5134] Publication Table - Ouput Materialised Table in Excel
[FR-5129] - Support for MySQL 8 and above
Version 11.0.0 (Released: 2022/05/22)
Changes and New Features:
- Change to the SDMX 3.0 information model as Fusion Registry’s internal metadata object model
- SDMX 3.0 REST API support
- Backward compatibility for SDMX 2.1 and 2.0 structures and formats
- Backward compatibility with SDMX 2.1 REST API (REST API v1 specification)
- Improved data and metadata access control
- Granular control over admin rights
- Fusion Portal – scheduled and on demand data and structure loads
- Refreshable Excel data format
- JNDI database connection option
- Publication Tables - publish curated but dynamic user interactive web data tables that show precisely the statistics required even if they come from multiple different data sets
Breaking Changes from Fusion Registry 10:
- Change to the operating database schema - upgrading from Fusion Registry 10 to Fusion Registry 11 requires a fresh install and migration of the metadata, data and settings
- Environment sync function temporarily removed
- Fusion Security support deprecated - Active Directory and LDAP are the supported authentication services in Fusion Registry 11